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29 September 2023

On the 14th of September CLS once again organized the successful Webinar, Leva & Bo i Portugal. A webinar held in Swedish with purpose to attract Swedish people to move, operate, invest, and act in Portugal. Below you find the key findings regarding the legal, banking, and real estate aspects of moving to Portugal. Presented by Settla Law, SEB, and SkandiaMäklarna. 

Except for the lovely culture, polite people, white beaches, and pleasant climate, Portugal has a lot more to offer for companies as well as individuals. For example, people speak great English, the infrastructure is good and it is turning into a creative environment. Did you know that Portugal is the 7th safest country in the world? Did you know that Portugal is up-and-coming in the Tech field, with one of Europe's largest Tech fairs, WebSummit, held in Lisbon every year? 

Approximately 5,000 Swedes have registered themselves as Portuguese inhabitants on the Swedish Embassy, but it is likely that it is even more Swedes are living here. A clear trend in the latest has been that younger Swedes move to Portugal to work remotely or expand their business to Portugal, because of the competent labor. 

Legal aspects presented by Settla Law

Tax benefits

  1. 20% for pensioners. 
  2. Company exit, 0 % tax.
  3. 20 % tax on working. 
  4. If you have your own business- The dividend tax is 28% and the liquidation tax is 14%.
  5. No wealth tax.
  6. No inheritance tax for legitimate heirs. 

To consider: If you move to Portugal and want to take advantage of the tax benefits, make sure that you have limited tax liability in Sweden. The safest way is to hire help from a law firm.

Real estate aspects presented by SkandiaMäklarna

 Buying a property in Portugal is easy, it is followed by the laws of the European Union and there are lawyers constantly controlling the process. People normally decide to move to Portugal because of 3 types of climate:

  1. Weather
  2. Economy - Life costs are remarkably lower in Portugal compared to Sweden. 
  3. Social - Portugal was ranked the friendliest for expats by Forbes Magazine in 2018. 

To consider:

  1. It is common that more than one broker is listing the property
  2. You need to book a private showing, open showings happen very seldom.
  3. Limited online information regarding the neighborhood, pictures, sun hours, etc.
  4. When buying property in Portugal, you should hire a buyer's broker. 
  5. Transaction costs

Banking aspects for Swedes presented by SEB


  1. Offers an overview of the economy, finance, and which bank services you need to add, remove, or renew when moving to Portugal. 
  2. Consider endowment insurance. (Investeringssparkonto beskattas som ett vanligt bankkonto i Portugal (28 % reavinst), de vill säga ingen förmånlig schablonbeskattning.)
  3. Mortgage

early in the process. They simplify your move to Portugal. 

Watch the full seminar below or go to this link



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