September 23, CLS carried out a “Moving to Portugal” webinar co-created together with Ombria, Danske Bank and Servulo & Associados. Speakers from each entity shared different practical aspects on what is required when planning on moving to this lovely country. During the webinar, we covered loans, taxes and different types of properties depending on the specific need the potential Swedish relocators may have. We were also very happy to see so many participating in the webinar - a record for CLS in signed up attendees!
New for our webinars is the Q&A which we also noticed was used quite frequently by the participants. We are always happy to interact and engage more with our community and hope to digitally meet you all again soon
We are happy to share the key takeaways from this dynamic webinar:
Portugal as a destination has become increasingly popular during the last years, nominated as both a world-class destination and one of the most safe countries in the world – both Sweden and other nationalities have considered and made Portugal as their new home, or their preferred destination.
OMBRIA – a new generation low-density sustainable development close to Loulé
DANSKE BANK – breathing life into dreams
SERVULO – full service lawfirm since 20 years with a specialized Scandinavian desk
Besides from private living, Portugal has many benefits for starting a business here!
If you have you have any additional questions to our speakers – feel free to get in touch with them!